My name is Alex, I'm from Cork!
2 Comments Published by Alex on Monday, February 13, 2006 at 10:52 PM.So here I am; back to Cork City.
Weird sensation.
But pleasing, too.
Cork is home to me, for many reasons: mainly, for the people I know. Secondly, for the familiar places. Nothing spectacular you could say, but yet special somehow.
Cork somehow got my heart. I feel safe here. I feel.
Might be because of what happened here? Probably so. Surely the fact that I met an extraordinary love right here, is enough to make this town special.
I don't know what it is, but I like it, it has good vibes.
and if a double-decker buuus
crashes into uuus
to die by your side... such a heavenly way to die
and if a ten-ton truuuck
kills the both of uuuuuuuus
to die by your side...
well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine!
farsi gli affari propri senza essere rotto i coglioni.
hai detto bene!