Bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs!!!!
We're in love with bombs! Vive la bomb! Hasta la bomba siempre! We're stupid animals bombing each other. But we like it.
Today some italians and a romanian (do you say romanian? I dunno) guy died because of a nice BOMB! Best way to die! I'm sure they enjoyed it a lot.
You see what happens to play war games? You die!! Stupid fuck! And I can't feel bad for you. You had it coming, you wanted it, you craved it. You loved the bomb!
My first video, uploaded on youtube.com
Nothing special, a little more than a test.
I used iMovie 6 HD, but soon i'll start using Final Cut Express I think.
Here it is.
Nothing special, a little more than a test.
I used iMovie 6 HD, but soon i'll start using Final Cut Express I think.
Here it is.

Come on, you must be living on the moon to have not noticed it.
If you hate violence and war, and even if it is probably not going to make any difference, please sign this petition!
I don't update my flickr often. That's why I am posting my new photo over here too. I am quite proud of it, you know!

Berlusconi si, Berlusconi no.
Chemmerda Berlusconi cioé saranno pure tutti uguali ma Berlusconi no cazzo cheppalle non ci sto dentro come diciamo a Milano a vederlo altri 5 merdosi anni a sparar stronzate che poi le spara lo stesso quindi alla fine meno male che non ha vinto anche se non ci credo mica tanto che accetterá di aver perso. Che poi lui non perde mai.
E allora mi viene da dire tommy for president. Che sembra una cattiveria pero' dai che due coglioni sta storia ragazzi povero bambino nessuno lo mette in dubbio pero' che asciugo mi sono asciugato io che sto in irlanda immagino quelli che sono in italia bombardati dalle stronzate televisive, e fanculo ai migliaia di coglioni veri col santino del bambino in mano - ma daaaaai per piacere che terronata io a volte vorrei che l'italia saltasse in aria.
E alla fin fine quindi tommy for president. L'hanno ucciso mille volte in televisione, su internet, in piazza, in chiesa, posso prenderlo un po in giro anche io, ormai e' solo una foto sulla homepage della repubblica.

It is a cool way to discover new music and link to ppl with similar music tast. I think it really is usefull... so I just wanted to share this little big site with you.
It uses social tagging (a bit like flickr or del.icio.us) to create a radio that plays only stuff you'll like... it's smart, check it out!