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Be back soon

On Sunday I'm going on holiday for a couple of weeks. I'll be back soon! If I can I will post something during the next two weeks, but i guess I will be too busy doing nothing to log on the internet to post my shit noone reads.
So... see you soon.

We are being sprayed

A good video I found on YouTube


Thought forms are very important and affect our everyday life. We create our reality with thought forms. If we think negative thoughts of others this is what we attract. If we think positive thoughts we will attract positive people and events. So be aware of your thoughts and eliminate the unnecessary negative or judgmental ones.

courtesy of:

Site of the day

A site I just found.

I find it interesting... indeed I want to reclaim the swastica symbol! It's an old (one of the oldest) human symbols, and it has a positive meaning.
It's the endless cycle of life, it's the true dharma law.

Reclaim the swastika, and fuck the nazi!

They live...

The movie "They Live" is an interesting concept... isn't it? I should watch it again.
In the meanwhile, here is a trailer.

Chemtrails in cartoons

Era Vulgaris

Guys today my post is about music.
The new Queens of the stone age album is going to be released and from the promo I've heard it's going to be amazing.

Here are the beautiful lyrics of the title track (Era Vulgaris, not included on the standard version of the record)

Queens Of The Stone Age - Era Vulgaris

I play a game 'til I'm dead
Or on a magazine
I wanna look like I'm dead
Dancing on a string
I eat the food when it's there
Make a mess of things
Get that look everywhere
But keep that look off my face

Everybody else wanna fall in love
There's no room for love in a modern sky
Living in the era vulgaris
Just drool in the dark
As you stare at the lights

From a crumbling tower I see everything
London, Tokyo, New York City
There's no love any place

Everybody else wanna fall in love
There's no room for love in a modern sky
Living in the era vulgaris
Just drool in the dark
As you stare at the lights

All we creatures helplessly attacking repetition
Over, over left with who we are
Did you tell anyone?
Did you tell any place?

Everybody else wanna fall in love
There's no room for love in a modern sky
Living in the era vulgaris
Just drool in the dark
As you stare at the lights

Living in the era vulgaris
Just drool in the dark
As you stare at the lights

Just stare at the lights

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